Merry Christmas to us all!'s very own Russ Burlingame @russburlingame brings his A-game with a stellar pitch...but he also brings along friend and comic book writer/artist Jon Bogdanove, one of the creators behind the character Steel in the DC comics! What an insane time! This show is brought to you by ALL of our dear patrons and especially by; Producer level patrons Jessica Gronsbell, Aaron Nowick, Lou Wilkerson and Seth Decker. It is also brought to you by Executive Producer level patron Erin Moriarty. Thank you all for the continued support! Contribute to the channel by donating at We do so many podcasts; The Film Rescue Show, Palette Cleanser, That Weird Ass Game, and Split the Difference, plus other videos, and special episodes on the patreon that you can't get anywhere else. For only $1 you can join the gang! Follow us on twitter! @Filmrescueshow @palatecleansed @sethxdecker - The Pitch Master General @OldPangYau - Team Host @hardcorebshot - Team Host @ErinMoriartyYT - Team Host @Devontheyarner - Team Host Discord Server
Merry Christmas to us all!'s very own Russ Burlingame @russburlingame brings his A-game with a stellar pitch...but he also brings along friend and comic book writer/artist Jon Bogdanove, one of the creators behind the character Steel in the DC comics! What an insane time!
This show is brought to you by ALL of our dear patrons and especially by; Producer level patrons Jessica Gronsbell, Aaron Nowick, Lou Wilkerson and Seth Decker. It is also brought to you by Executive Producer level patron Erin Moriarty. Thank you all for the continued support!
Contribute to the channel by donating at
We do so many podcasts; The Film Rescue Show, Palette Cleanser, That Weird Ass Game, and Split the Difference, plus other videos, and special episodes on the patreon that you can't get anywhere else. For only $1 you can join the gang!
Follow us on twitter!
@sethxdecker - The Pitch Master General
@OldPangYau - Team Host
@hardcorebshot - Team Host
@ErinMoriartyYT - Team Host
@Devontheyarner - Team Host
Discord Server